shindo aurieges ....

i have devore nines speakers .
i like to know how good is this preamp ,if i compare it to anothers good amp like : EAR868 ,OR CONRAD JOHNSON 17 and others goods preamp?
like to know if shindo aurieges is good for is price or i can get better for this price range of 3500-4000 $ ?
and last thing i read here that shindo aurieges preamp have high impedence in is output ,what will be good for this preamp (if you can please give me names of good combination with shindo aurieges in price of 2000-2500$ range) ??
I've been a bit unfair to the Shindo Aurieges. It is certainly one of the better preamplifiers on the market. It particularly excels at mid-range tonal beauty. But what it doesn't do so without giving up something, and that something is transparency, clarity and detail. On the other hand, it's full bodied and beautiful, and by all measures you would say that it sounds musical. It sounds like what you would expect a very good tube preamplifier to sound. But tube as in tube euphony, not tube as in tube transparency -- an old school tube component as opposed to what we might call a modern tube component.

As I understand, as you move up the Shindo lineup, the more expensive Shindos give you progressively more of the goods without giving up on the beautiful Shindo sound. But at the entry level, and at $4000 list price, the Shindo Aurieges would not be my first choice.

As for Devore speakers, I have no doubt that Devore speakers sound great with Shindo amps. That's Shindo amplifiers of course which presumably also imply a pairing with Shindo preamplifiers for synergy across the product lines.

What should you buy? You should buy whatever sounds great to you. John Devore loves his speakers with Shindo, but you might not. Which Devore speakers do you have? Efficiency and impedance may eliminate some types of amplifiers from consideration.
I think Wilsynet makes some good points. I am a Shindo preamp owner (Vosne-Romanee) and my feelings toward Shindo is similar to my feelings toward Koetsu. Both products prioritize tone. As you move up both product lines, you get additional texture and detail (especially at the frequency extremes).

IMO, Shindo and Koetsu lean toward the "old school" camp of audio sound. They draw inspiration from the classics of the past while trying to build upon them. A lot of Shindo owners are also into analog rigs, SET amps and high efficiency speakers. They embrace a wholistic system approach toward audio reproduction. Shindo dealers spend a lot of their time providing guidance to proper system matching to help achieve the "Shindo sound". As an example, I doubt a dealer would ever advise a Shindo preamp for someone who has high powered SS amps, inefficient speakers and a preference for digital sources. It will work but is not really the kind of sound Shindo voiced his gear around.

If you are the type of audiophile who prioritizes extreme detail and clarity, then I don't think Shindo is necessarily the best fit. If, however, you are a tone junkie who loves Garrard TT's and tube amps, then Shindo should probably be on your short list of equipment to audition.
I'll come right out and say it: I do not understand how or why a number of audiophiles prioritize extreme detail and clarity over musicality and tone. I want to hear the music, not the pen dropped by a percussionist, or a small fart let go by the 2nd violinist, and so forth...well, to each his own, glad we have a choice and the musical and tone folks still have some great choices such as Shindo, Leben, Devore and others.
wow im really impressed by all the details you are all write me ,im really agree with you all you open my mind again ,really i think it was the best post here that people write me in audiogon -:) .
im now wonder if i need tube suond at all or maybe ss amp?
and second think is i dont know if to buy integrated amp or preamp+power ?
all i know is that the devore fidelity nines need warm sound and clarity and detail too.
i hve budget until 5000$
my option are alot and i still not know what to do what to choose :
1.i really like too knw the different between EAR 868 AND SHINDO AURIGES AND TO ADD THEM GOOD SS AMP ?

Speaking only in generalities, many solid state amplifiers do not have a high input impedance. Once again, speaking in generalities, the Shindo Aurieges with an output impedance of 5000 ohms will need careful system matching.

As a rule of thumb, the input impedance should be at least 20x the output impedance of the source component. You can, of course, get a buffer, but that's yet another component which may add its own coloration.

The Leben CS600 versus the Pass INTA30. Given what I know of their house sound I'd say that they're totally different. I think you would be happy with either.

I haven't heard the INTA30, but as I understand, it's based on the X30.5, which I have indeed heard and like very much. Pick one, buy it used, and if you really don't like it, get the Leben later.

For what it's worth, I have an LFD Zero LE MKIV integrated amplifier. It is wonderful. There is one available on Audiogon right now for a great price. I bought mine new and don't regret it.