Preamp Noob has a question

I have always used integrated amps in my system. Lately I've been pondering whether or not to upgrade my Yamaha AX596 to a Yamaha A-S2000 (since these are discontinued, there aren't many left). Then I started wondering if buying a used preamp and coupling it with the power amp section of my AX596 might be a better option for less money. I read some reviews on the Musical Fidelity A3cr, but apparently that preamp dates back to 2001-2002. Can you guys make some suggestions for newer, quality preamps that might be available for less than $1000? Thank you.
What's wrong being dated back 2001-2002? It only reduces price as most-likely these models will be fully operational as new with substantially lower price.
I did that experiment when I had Creek 4330 integrated and coupled it with vintage Bryston(5b?) preamp with remaining 3..4 years of warranty and I liked it much better than stand-alone integrated.
Gotta know what speakers you are running and what kind of sound improvement you are looking for?
Thanks for the replies guys. Mapman, my speakers are Paradigm Signature S2. And, as far as improvements, I'm looking for that ever elusive extra transparency and detail. Can I get it with a preamp?