Is there any truth to this question?

Will a lower powered amp that can drive your speakers, in your room, listening to the music you like sound better than using a powerful amp to avoid clipping?

Here's the scenario: Use a 50 w YBA amp to drive 86 db efficient Vandersteens in a 10 x 12 room, listening to jazz or

Will a 200 w Krell or such sound better and more effortless.

Some say buy all the power you can afford and others say the bigger amps have more component pairs ie) transistors to match and that can effect sound quality.
While I disagree with Mapman's suggestion that digital handles transients better than analog (and this is not meant to start yet another digital/analog debate) I think he makes a good and very important point about the issue of power reserves and dynamics.

We tend to focus on this issue, and how it relates to clipping, in terms of it's effect on the "sound" of the music and the onset of audible tonal/harmonic distortion as the amplifier approaches clipping. We tend to overlook the distortion of the dynamic flow of the music which is more subtle but just as important. Well before we hear any obvious harmonic distortion, as the amplifier approaches clipping there can be a diminution in the ease of the dynamic nuances in the music. There don't necessarily have to be a lot of transients in the music for inadequate power reserves to have an effect on playback. If the music is very complex as many orchestral works can be, with many instruments playing at once including percussion and loud brass, the effects of inadequate power reserves can be obvious. Sure, a good 35 watt amp can sound more pure and sweet than the 200 watt version of a similar circuit, but what good is that little bit of extra purity if (for example) when listening to a well recorded trumpet
with orchestra, it has natural and exciting speed and dynamic flow when playing pianissimo-mezzoforte (pp-mf), but as soon as the entire string section and percussion join in it sounds slow and compressed as the trumpet approaches what should be a real-life fortissimo (ff). It really puts a damper on the music, and I hear this effect wether it's vinyl or digital if the amp doesn't have plenty of reserves.
Unsound, you make a very good point, the Vandersteens might be the last speaker on earth (ok, I'm exagerating)you would use nearfield - with all that time alignment and phase coherecy stuff built into its design ethos. Of course they can still be enjoyed, but not really optimal placement for the way VS works across the line.
The thing is music music is a lot more complex than any test signal. Transient response is different technically from clipping, however I suspect the two are related. AN amp that does not tend to clip should be able to handle transients better, though there is more to it than just that.

An analogy is can a water balloon be inflated instantaneously when required. A lot faster when there is sufficient volume of water and pressure (similar to voltage and current ie power in electronics).

Similar with transient response an amp that does not break a sweat handling the peaks (ie does not clip) is more likely to have the drive needed for fast transients when needed as well. Not to say that less powerful amps with good design may not also do quite well with transients, but I think that would be more hit or miss and clipping could become an issue.

The Class D (switching) Bel Canto ref1000m amps I use with my inefficient hard to drive speakers are champs to me at this. They are very efficient and very powerful, articulate at lower volume and also seem to never break a sweat. Clipping is a non issue as best I can tell with these. Not so with most any other amp up to 200 w/ch or so that I have tried.
I had the Vandersteens in a house driven by a 200 watt Krell and I was sitting back 7 or 8 feet in a 20 x 25 room. Now my first wife is gone..the Krell is gone all that remains are the Vandersteens. I'm saving for a pair of Harbeth speakers and sell the Vandersteens, time and finances will tell.

Oh, so you actually have run the Vandy's off the larger Krell in the past!

So what is your take on your question based on your recollection of how that sounded compared to what you have now?

Whether any particular setup floats your boat or not is all that really matters.

Harbeth would sound much different than VAndersteen in general I would expect. We all need some change in our lives sometimes.