Stereo and Fish tanks - noisy need help

I have recently added a 240 gallon freshwater tank in my listening room and it looks incredible. However it is very noisy and has taken away alot of the musical enjoyment. Is there anyone out there that is running a fish tank in their listening room? Is it quiet? What equipment are you using? Any feedback would to helpful!
I'm sure that the fish are very pretty, but I have to wonder if besides pump noise, is putting such large sheets of reflective glass the best idea for an audio room?
It is rather obvious, just turn off the filters when you are listening to music. Assuming you listen less then eight hours a day, the fish will still be fine.
Buconero, a well-meaning suggestion; but completely wrong I am afraid. A filter not only oxygenates water, but is also the home of beneficial bacteria which convert ammonia into nitrate; a process that is essential. The bacteria take many days to colonize the filter, and only minutes to start dying after the filter is turned off and are denied oxygen. Not a good idea.
I used to run a 160 gal saltwater tank. But I had all of my power filters in the garage about 20 feet away. I was able to run the plumbing thru the wall (unusual floor plan) but you could run it under the house if you have a raised foundation w/wood floor. I also used multiple in line canister type filters. The only noise from the tank was nominal and was from a small airflow I put into the tank to help with water circulation. The water from the garage flowed into the tank on the bottom into an under the sand filter to keep the sand aerobic. The best part of this system was it was really easy to make water changes in the garage. A bit of a fussy set up but once done it was quite easy if operating a salt water tank could ever be easy - :-). But I was able to keep several varieties of fish as well as crustaceans.

Sort of like setting up and maintaining a high end audio system. You've got to love it to do it. And its expensive too.

If you can't do something elaborate, I think about the best way to do it is to get some of the canister filters under the tank and send their outflow to the underground filter. That way you do not need to have the airflow coming up thru the tubes on the ends of the filters which IMHO makes all of the noise which you can't otherwise avoid. The bursting bubbles are noisy even if you manage to get the motor noise damped down.

You might google up some info on how to set up a filter system and get some other ideas. I believe there are books on this subject as well.

Have fun!