wire is wire, it should all sound the same. bits are bits, all cdp's should sound the same. distortion is distortion, all amps should sound the same. this is what scientists would have you believe.
in the real world, distortion numbers are a very poor measurement for how an amp sounds since you can lower distortion numbers by increasing feedback. Most amp designers today realize that eliminating feedback is more important than lowering distortion numbers for an amps sound. That's why when you look at the price tag of many amps, the price goes up as the distortion levels go up. Scientists that buy amps by distortion levels can do so on the cheap.
whatever floats your boat.
in the real world, distortion numbers are a very poor measurement for how an amp sounds since you can lower distortion numbers by increasing feedback. Most amp designers today realize that eliminating feedback is more important than lowering distortion numbers for an amps sound. That's why when you look at the price tag of many amps, the price goes up as the distortion levels go up. Scientists that buy amps by distortion levels can do so on the cheap.
whatever floats your boat.