Please help me understand

There are two concepts I've never been able to reconcile. How is it possible for different amps to have similar distortion levels (inaudible), yet still have what audiophiles might describe as a "tonal signature". In other words, how is it possible for an amp to have a perceived "warm" or "bright" sound, if it's accurately reproducing the input signal? It seems to me that all high quality, properly functioning amps should sound the same. If they don't, them some of them aren't doing their job very well.
"Just food for thought, your family pet 'hears' more"

Man: 20Hz-20kHz
Dog: 40Hz-40kHz

Same number of octaves (10)
Man: 20Hz-20kHz
Dog: 40Hz-40kHz

Same number of octaves (10)

Based on your data, you agree with me. Since Dogs don't listen to loud rock music or use headphones, or work around loud high pitched machinery, etc.... they can probably hear from 40-40k most of their lives. I doubt if anyone on a'gon can hear 20-20k flat.
My dog loves to listen to my system even when cranked. He sits relaxed and his ears twitch as he soaks it all in. I take that as a good sign.

HE likes to chase animals. When animal noises are played, his ears really perk and he has to think about what he hears.

The dog barking and howling in "Seamus" by Pink Floyd sends him over the top every time. Also "Dogs" from PF's "Animals"

My dog may have some issues.
"Dogs don't listen to loud rock music"

Sure they do, they listen to owners loud music. They also bark - a very loud noise.

Everybody looses hearing with age - man or a dog. Prolonged loud noise can only make it worse.