Looking for brighter tubes

Attention tube heads: I'm looking for brighter (more treble...not higher amounts of glow and chrome) tubes, if they exist. My amp (Jolida JD502P) has a well regarded bunch of Russian Tung Sol 6550s and 12AX7/12AT7s but I'm wondering if there's anything out there that imparts more sizzle in this amp. I do like the amp as it is...but hey..."rolling rolling rolling, keep them tubeys rolling...
i use tube guitar amps and have found that a good Chinese pretube adds treble and edge to my sound.... the russian stuff is more rounder sounding
Wilson667...good question...if yours is a couple of months old it's likely a current version, although of course I have no idea. On mine the labeling on the front has the silk screened Jolida name and a small gold logo badge, unlike any pics of them I've seen. The bias screws are even with the bias leds...I was told they sound a little more dynamic now, but I have no clue what makes them different other than what little specific info I've gleaned from talking to people at Jolida...I suggest you call 'em.

Also, reading that somebody has had bad luck with EAT tubes strikes me as amazing...at nearly $1400 for a "quartet" of 'em...man...
though. I have read that the KT90's tend to have a more solid state sound and less of that tube warmth. I am sure someone will let me know if I am wrong.
It could depend on the KT90. I have the Ei KT90 type 2 and with the stock input tube they sound 'steely' in the highs. With the 5751 input the Ei's are amazing. And the power WOW. So I will say with the right compliment of tubes they sound very powerful and tubey. I haven't tried the EH KT90's.

As far as the Eat's the tubes that have a serial # that starts with 'D' had the most trouble. The pair I have that start with 'E' and they are rock solid. Just received some Gec KT88's and they sound very close to the EAT's.

Another great tube but very different (IMO the most 'tubey' sound) is the original Tung Sol 6550 solid black or grey plates.
I've decided mine some ore and melt some sand and make my own tubes...I mean really...how hard could that be?