hi everyone.
i have devore gibbon nines speakers.
i decided to buy amplifer for my speakers ,after alot of question here on audiogon what amp to buy i decided to go with leben (i hope i will be not dissapointed),my budget is max 4000-5000$. i think in this price range i cant buy shindo pre +power :-((
so not i consider what will be good value for the money cs 300x or cs600 ? all i know is that cs600have alot of power more but what will be more good to my speakers 300x or 600?
i have averge living room about (5 meter on 4 meters) i hear all kind of music rock alot and quiet music but not classic music.
so what the diffrent between them and what will be the best comb with my devore nines speakers 300x 0r 600 ???
thanks alot hope to hear about it

You can easily rock those speakers with the 300sx. The Shindo are more for vocals, classical and jazz, where timbre and depth is most prized.

I listened to Radiohead's Amnesiac on the Leben and it was amazing. It perfectly reassembled and powered the most difficult tracks on the album. Great bass grip for a tube amp.

Before you make a decision, you should also look at Almarro amps out of Japan and Decware out of Chicago. These tube amps rival the best Shindo and Leben gear, at a fraction of their cost. The Almarro 205 is a steal. I got it for one of my children and it perfectly plays electronica and hip hop.
first thanks alot for all this lovely response .
i really like this forum in audiogon and the people here very kind.
i think of leben cs300x but is it reall jump if i take the shindo comb montille + auriges ?? or its just for classic music is the sounds of shindo sound wow and leben sound good but not wow ? i wanna to get wow in all kind of music lol ? what about cs600 is it give me more musically and vocal then is small brothers cs300 ?
and what about EAR YOSHINO in isreal the dealer sell it with devore and it say that is prefect comb what you think about EAR to compare it to leben or shindo ??
Well, I have to respectfully disagree on an Almarro 205 being able to really drive the Nines for dynamic music. I have owned two 205's, and the larger Almarro single ended amp. The bigger one does drive the Nines decently, but the 205 will suffice only on pretty quiet music. The 205 is a great amp, but it runs out of steam pretty quickly. Or maybe I just like my music louder than most? I listen in the 75-82 db range.
Bongofury, which devore speakers did you hear with the leben 300sx? What speakers are playing the hip hop with the almarro 205 so well?
hi to all and to bongofury and dbarger a specially :-).
i talk with somefriend in my country and he never sound the devore nines ,but he have alot of experince with system ,he said to me that the nines if they 91 db it means that they doesnt so high db so maybe cs300 will sound good but for 15w its not so good ,and he said that leben is good amplifer but he think that the best integreted that he hear was ayon triton .
now there is someone in my country that sell ayon triton integreted for 5000$ . i like to know if it will be better comb to my speakers or to go with leben cs300x or 600 ?
i will be glad if someone test the comb with ayon triton and devore and the leben with devore