hi everyone.
i have devore gibbon nines speakers.
i decided to buy amplifer for my speakers ,after alot of question here on audiogon what amp to buy i decided to go with leben (i hope i will be not dissapointed),my budget is max 4000-5000$. i think in this price range i cant buy shindo pre +power :-((
so not i consider what will be good value for the money cs 300x or cs600 ? all i know is that cs600have alot of power more but what will be more good to my speakers 300x or 600?
i have averge living room about (5 meter on 4 meters) i hear all kind of music rock alot and quiet music but not classic music.
so what the diffrent between them and what will be the best comb with my devore nines speakers 300x 0r 600 ???
thanks alot hope to hear about it
Bolero32, as I have said earlier, I am using devore silverbacks, which are the same 91 db, and my 15W integrated (shindo) isn't quite up for the job. When I corresponded with Shindo, they recommended Corton Charlamagne (70W) or Montrachet (~40W). I too would be very interested in hearing the Ayon Triton with Devore since it can be run in two different modes and because of all of the positive buzz about Ayon. I think there are different versions of triton (I, II??), not sure the differences. Good luck and let us know how it works if you go that direction.
I am a big fan of Paradigm mini monitors. I bought some for my daughter, married to the small Almarro amp. I also rebuilt a NAD 3200, the last great tube sounding integrated amp they made. Both sound incredible with the speakers. In the Paradigm line, hard to go wrong with the Atoms to S1s.

I did hear the Leben with Gibbon 8s and the new Or96s. I can't speak for Almarro powering the Nines, but I have heard them power Almarro speakers with great effect.

Shinod, IMHO, seems radically overpriced for what you get for sound. I have heard similar results on Luxman tubes (Their 38 is a steal) and Leben's roots come from Luxman.

I see very little need to move from the 300 to the 600. The difference to me, for the music I heard, was very narrow.
I'd be careful pairing the 300x with anything but the most sensitive speakers. There are amps out there that deliver plenty of current along with 15w or so that can deliver results with modestly efficient easy to drive speakers. The 300x IME is not one of them. It'll run out of steam and you lose all sense of dynamics. Great amp with other speakers, sounded nice on Avantguard Nano's for example. If you're unsure whether it'll drive your speakers make sure you try one as if you're in that situation theres a pretty good chance it won't.
"Bolero32, as I have said earlier, I am using devore silverbacks, which are the same 91 db, and my 15W integrated (shindo) isn't quite up for the job."
I am sure whatever you were told by Shindo is a good recommendation. I just wanted to ad something that has not been mentioned. The Nines are not quite as easy to drive as the Silverback's. I had the Nines for a long time, and replaced them with the 0/96's last summer.My 25 watt Corton Charlemagnes drove the Nines fine, and my room is somewhat larger than the OP's. There was a comment about Shindo perhaps not being suited for hard rock. I was listening to Iron Maiden a few weeks ago on my system. I can tell you that IMHO, it was very satisfying. The OP should have some nice choices in his price range. Assuming you are digital only, since you have made no mention of analog. If this is the case, there are some great integrated amps available. The one's that come immediately to mind are Tri of Japan, Audion, and of course all of the above mentioned. That LM Audio 211 amp looks very interesting too. I believe it's a 20 watt Set.
hi again. im must say that i m not mean to hard rock i mean i hear many things but not classic ,alot of simple rock like dire straits and vocall sing like barbara strasied. as to your suggestion im understand that i can get for 2000$ or less the LM AUDIO but im not familar with that company and when i try to sell it in the future in israel no one know it and maybe i cant sell it. and other thing i cant hear it with compare to leben or shindo that i know they goes with john devore to all is hifi show.
i really like to know if it sound better then any leben cs300x or cs 600 or shindo montille+auriges ?

2.i like to know really how the ayon triton integreted sound with devore nines all i know it hsve plenty of power and he is good but is it have the charm and musicall like the shindo or leben ? i can buy it in israel for 5000 $ or maybe to go with leben ???
3.another option to get manley stingary || integreted for 4000$ it haave 8 tubes of el84 ,is someone here hear it with nines ? and how it with compare to leben or shindo and the ayon ??

please if you can answear to me on this 3 question or maybe i need to open new post for that (i must know the different).
thanks alot my friends hope to hear more and more response
and sorry about my english