NAD M3 owners, your assistance is requested

I just bought an NAD M3 integrated amp. I hear a clicking noise when turning the volume control. NAD says this is normal and not audible more than a few feet from the speakers.

But my clicking can get quite loud. I sit 8 feet from the speakers, and the clicking can sometimes be audible over the music. If you turn the volume up via the remote, the clicking increases in volume in lockstep with the music.

I should say, that I can hear the clicking over the music from 8 feet away, only when there is just a single instrument or two being played, for example a bass solo, or quiet piano.

I'm thinking my unit is defective and I should get it replaced.

If you're an M3 owner, I was wondering if you could play a bass solo and check if you can hear the clicking from 8 feet away when changing the volume. If you can't, then I'd be more sure something was wrong with my M3.

If you can do this, I'd be most appreciative!

(If you live near me-- Los Angeles -- and I can come check out your M3, all the better)


PS: In case you're interested, the bass solos I've noticed this on are:
--opening of Track 1 "Things Ain't What They Used to Be" on "Wheelin' & Dealin" CD, John Coltrane
--opening of Track 1 "Yesterdays" on "Voyage" CD, Stan Getz
--opening of Temptations "My Girl"
Sonicbeauty, I didn't say it doesn't have a stepped attenuator, just that I couldn't find any literature saying that it does have one.
I didn't mean to put you on the defensive-this was about stepped attenuators clicking audibly-not how good your amp sounds. I think if it sounds good then it is good no matter what parts are inside. That said, here's some info from the brochure for your amp:

Parallel Volume and Tone Controls
To ensure ideal fully balanced operation, the
volume and tone control systems must be
extremely precise. Conventional analogue
volume systems suffer from gang error, and
cannot achieve sufficient accuracy, even when
using high precision parts. Therefore, for the
A-S2000 we developed a unique method:
canceling out slight precision differences by
the parallel operation of three high sound
quality digital volume ICs for each channel
and operating the system with an analogue

It says "digital volume IC's". I'm not a tech guy but I believe IC's are there instead of a bunch of resistors in a stepped attenuator. From what I've read these are very precise and can sound great and can be silent.

I have had an M3 since about 2008. Mine has never made extraneous noise(s)when changing volume.

It did start going into protection week before last and a local shop does not have the test cabling needed to repair it. I am replacing it with a used Classe' CP-500 and perhaps a Rotel 1582. Bought the 1582 but may return it due to some possible hardness in the mids/upper mids.

Good luck to the OP,