Octave Integrated Amps


I am a new Audiogon user, so please let me know if anything is out of line with my post or my account.

I have a question regarding volume control taper of Octave integrated amps, in particular when used with horns: how much of volume control can be used before the system becomes too loud.

I think that is a question best answered by yourself. Like X stated, "Also what is too loud for me is not loud enough for..."
Xti16 thanks for your answer. I was looking into V40SE to use with ~100db 2 or 3-way pro horns with impedance dips below 4 Ohm. I also wanted to narrow my search to amps with shallow volume taper before doing any travel to audition.
The V40SE will handle 100db speakers with no problem. My only concern would be the impedance dips below 4 ohms. The Octave will do 2 ohms but at that point you are pushing the integrated to the max.

As far as the volume taper, I find my Ei KT90 type 2 output tubes have the shallowest but at the same time are one of the more powerful tubes I have.