New Version Jolida JD502P issues.

Anybody else have one of these? Why does mine (after some break-in) sound so good? What's wrong with me? Why doesn't everybody own one of these? These are nagging questions for which I have no me...besides, there aren't enough recent posts about these for my perusal needs.
we sell a lot of these amps. we are a dealer. this amp is hot, and every single person who has bought has been more than happy with it. I love the mellow, clear sound. put on Norah Jones and enjoy! reviews are great. we have so few complaints with what we sell it is great to sell something that is a real value. I will put a 302 or 502 up against any CJ amp. thanks for reading.
Just stuck a set of KT150s in my nearly 3 year old "factory modded" 502p, and it sounds AMAZING...a great amp that has pretty much zero publicity other than from happy owners.
Great thread Wolf! Enjoy the humor. I need to learn to inject more into my posts. As you know from another thread, I own the Jolida Fusion pre and consider it excellent. I have found the Jolida MD people to be very helpful. Have only compared it to a Audible Illusions 3A which I sold. RE my tube post, I received the Mullard tubes but have not inserted them yet, is that necessary to achieve the benefits I was hoping for?
I'm in a similar boat with the Wolf man. I've put in a matched quad of Tung Sol KT-150s in my factory modded Jolida JD-502P as well. It does run hot but sounds SO good.
My main benefit from NOS 12AT7 Mullards in the "phase inverting" roll in my amp is the entertainment value of the start-up flash. And they supposedly last a long time while sounding great or at least not making anything sound not great. Recent 150s and new Russian Gold Lion "matched everything" 12AX7s have kicked the 502p up a notch or two, whether it needed it or not. Also I don't notice the amp being that much hotter with the 150s, although the heat is focused higher up due to the size of the damn things, but it seems normal and no fires have broken out...I just have to be even more careful not to burn my knuckles when tweaking the bias.