Hi All,
Problems with left Channel....
I started to have problems with the sound coming from the left Channel of my Grange. After a bit of warm up or play, I get a huge static type noise followed by a simultaneous large and loud flutter of the driver. There is also some distortion of the sound. After the loud static (like a loose wire) and flutter, the sound cleans up for a bit. The problem continues intermittently and occurring every 2-5 minutes. It occurs when using either my CDP or Turntable as a source.
I tried switching the RCA outputs of the Grange and the problem moved from the left to the right channel which led me to believe that the problem is located in the pre and not my amp or elsewhere.
I then swapped all of the pairs of tubes in the pre and the power supply box (one set at a time) from right to left to see if the problem moved from the left channel to the right. The problem remained in the left channel through all of the tube switches.
I am guessing that the problem would be related to a faulty capacitor, but I was wondering if anyone had gone through a similar problem and had any observations, theories or advice.