Looking for a great value integrated

I'm looking to buy an integrated amp to go into one of my two setups. I haven't found much in the way of direct comparisons among the best solid-state integrateds in this range, and any advice would be greatly appreciated. As of now, my setups are:
1)Totem Rainmakers + Moon 100d + NAD C375BEE (more musical)
2)B&W CM7 + V-DAC/V-Link + Rotel RSX-1056 (more for tv)

I'd like to replace the Rotel in the second system with a better integrated amp, however, I'm not sure if I will use the new integrated with the CM7's or move my NAD to that system and use the new amp with my Totems. The price range I'm looking at is under 1k used (preferably lower but I'm flexible). I also would prefer something that is readily available and can be found easily on Agon. So, I'd like to know two things really--what integrated would make for a great upgrade over my NAD if I choose to place it in my Totem system (in which case I'd be willing to spend more $ because I care more about my musical system), OR, if I just decide to replace my Rotel, what would be a great value integrated for less money to go with the CM7s (ideally closer to the $700 range used)?

I've heard lots of things about offerings from Rega, Arcam, Creek, NAD, etc, but I need some direction to choose one over the others. Thanks for your help.
The Bada DC-225 (I think) from Pacific Valve is excellent. I had the previous version while I was waiting for a very expensive amplifier and the Bada just knocked me out for the price. The older version was like $700, but the new one is supposedly upgraded and the cost is up to $999. 30 days money back. Full remote, including input switching. BTW, I recommended one to Fritz from Fritzspeakers, and he thought it was great as well.
I think you'd have to spend a bit more to upgrade the NAD - next steps up would be the NAD M3, Naim XS, Primare I32.

To upgrade the Rotel, I would recommend the Exposure 2010S2 or indeed the Rotel RA-1520.

All these sound very different so it would be best to demo or take on trial.
I have had very good results from a Dussun V6i, 150 watt integrated that was sold by Mark Levinson under the Red Rose name for over $6000. Under the Dussun name you could pick one up used for less than $1000. they also make a V8i which is 250watt.
I've had NAD, and ARCAM in my B-system and strangely, with TOTEM speakers (ARROs and Forests) [NAD C370 & ARCAM FMJ A32 & ARCAM ALPHA 2]

The ARCAMs are gone along with the TOTEM speakers since I upgraded to a REGA ISIS valve cdp/ REGA OSIRIS amp / REGA R9 speaker kit

I've auditioned the BRIO as a replacement for the NAD system to go with REGA R1 bookshelves. Is it worth it ... a qualified yes. It suits my listening tastes but I haven't done it for immediate cash reasons cuz I redid the A system


(1) TOTEMs are power hungry and perform best with a lot of grunt (hi-current and wattage). THE FORESTS did not come alive until they were biamped with a second ARCAM FMJ P35 power amp.

(2) IMO TOTEMS (including both the ARROs and FORESTS) performed SIGNIFICANTLY better with ARCAM than NAD

(3) Test drove the REGA BRIO (prior version).... incredible amp for the money with a memorable musicality that is hard to define without personally experiencing it. Performs way above its price point.

(4) I ran the ARCAM ALPHA 2 (initially) & then ran the ARCAM FMJ A-32 amp with the bookshelf REGA R1 speakers with startling results ... clarity, transparency, detail.

5) Currently running the R1s in an all NAD system ...completely different sound. Still acquits itself well but kit satisfaction may depend on your music tastes to an appreciable degree.
- if jazz, classical and easy listening is your music genre ... ARCAM or REGA hands-down.
- If you are into rock with bass boom then the NAD will likely suit you better

6) Have you test driven the Sim Audio Moon i-3 Amplifier (~ $1K used on Audiogon)?
SIM AUDIO are voiced with TOTEMS and vice-versa (both in Montreal) and SIM will give you the best of both IMO - refinement and grunt for the money.

I think you can change the sound from the NAD for that price but options that are clearly better with those speakers may be few.

I'd look at a Class D Icepower integrated like Bel Canto S300 which comes up for sale periodically on A'gon and that is nimble and powerful enough to bring out the best from either Totem or B&W.