The Jolida is basically a Mullard 5-20 design with different tubes. Don't spend the money on the tubes. IMHO. Replace the 15k resistor in the 12at7 tail with a Compact Cascode current source kit from
Then replace the Plate resistors on the 12at7's. Match them at either 48k or 56k. Adjust for about 3mA per side or 6mA current across each resistor. Remember do this to both channels.
Look on the net for the Jolida schematic and you will see the resistors I'm talking about. You will thank me. This will make a larger improvement than the output tubes.
Then replace the Plate resistors on the 12at7's. Match them at either 48k or 56k. Adjust for about 3mA per side or 6mA current across each resistor. Remember do this to both channels.
Look on the net for the Jolida schematic and you will see the resistors I'm talking about. You will thank me. This will make a larger improvement than the output tubes.