Any way to reduce pre-amp noise floor?

I have had my CJ ET3-SE tubed pre-amp for about a year now. When my system (McCormack DNA 500 amp, Esoteric X-05 CD, Aerial 10T speakers) is on and the CJ is set to "0" volume there is dead silence. However once I move the volume to to any level above zero ( no music playing, of course!) I hear a very soft but audible white noise. When I return the volume to zero the noise vanishes. This concerns me because I suspect that once the music begins to play, this noise floor becomes part of the overall sound.

This is my first "separates" system so I'm not sure if this is just a standard preamp phenomanon or if it is perhaps a sonic signature of CJ or if there is some real issue that needs to be fixed or can be tweaked. Any comments/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again to all who have responded. (Sonic Beauty, reostat is not the culprit!) Although I plan to give CJ a call to get their take on the noise, for now, I'm going on the assumption that the noise is of the "normal, naturally occurring" variety and not associtaed with any malfunctioning equipment (although I might do some tube rolling!). I will post again if I'm successful in reducing or eliminating it. It is comforting that so many of you took the time weigh in. Thanks again!
I called CJ today. They said the issue was most likely caused by the noisy Electroharmonics 6922 (stock) tube. They recommended a Telefunken as a replacement. As long as I'm tube rolling, what else would make sense? I think I'll start another thread and ask the community.
It has taken me some time but I finally got fed up with the noise issue and replaced the stock Electroharmonics 6922 with a NOS 1960 Amprex 7308 tube. PROBLEM SOLVED! Not only did the noise completely disappear, the whole soundstage opened up, a veil was lifted from the music and I'm hearing detail, nuances and note decay that I did not know even existed in the recordings (and this was right out of the box with no burn-in!). OMG, what a night and day difference!!! This was the best $150 I ever spent. I encourage all CJ ET3 owners to give this a try.