Have you ever heard about Wingate?

Hello, I'm interested in acquiring any information about that small brand from the '80s.

In particular I would like to know more about the Wingate 2000A, gorgeous example of dual-mono zero-feedback class A power amp.

Thanks for your help!
I clearly remember a full page ad for their class A amplifier on the inside cover of the Absolute Sound many years ago. It had a gold anodized faceplate, and it was really beautiful. I have thought of them at times, but have never seen one on the used market. They must have gone out of business before they produced many units.
I recall the amplifier as having been favorably reviewed by Stereophile (maybe Dick Olsher?) in the mid-80s, but for some reason I seem to recall some caveat about it that may have cropped up after the review (I could be wrong). If anyone has some old Stereophiles (I gave mine away years ago) they night be able to help.