what is an ideal tube amp

I have recently purchased a new pair of ClassicAudioLoudspeakers T-3,I believe there efficiency is about 105db/w-m .for my bedroom system.The impedance of the speaker is 16 ohms (varies between 10-20 ohms) I am presently powering them with a Gryphon Antileon Signature biased at 50 watts for class A.The sound is wonderful imaging is perfect in all three dimensions with fantastic clarity and non fatiguing,but very sensitive to sweet spot.I am told by that horn speakers sound best with tube amps,particularly set amps.
I have not had a tube power amp for over 25 years and that was a poor experience.Where I live there are not to much choice of audio dealers who support tube equipment.That means that I may have to purchase an amplifier without the ability to audition it in my system.I need help ,most tube amps I have seen looked at do not have a 16 ohms speakers tap,does that matter??I particular a 10watt amp with only output at 8 ohms I would lose half the power which may not be adequate?I would like to avoid mortgaging the house for cost of the amp,in other words those very unique Japanese amps with a price of $5,000 per watt are out.I do prefer balanced inputs as my Meridian 861V6 has XLR outputs,I use the Sooloos system extensively,however I can also use my Einstein preamp could with all my sources,Zanden transport,DAC or for sacd the Accuphase 800/801 combo.
I would also prefer a trouble free tube amp which does not require constant tuning or tweaking.I listen primarily to classical music.Your counsel will be greatly appreciated.
If you want to save some bucks check out Mapletree Audio preamps and a pair of their Super Stealth amps. Classic circuits and just different enough. SET's will work with horns but having a more controlled bass lower output impedance will never hurt.
Audiofeil, You sell Allnic right Albert?

Yes, and exactly why I would not speak for the other person on this subject even though I knew his opinion.

Sibelius statement is accurate:
Honestly, I can't think of any tube or tube topology that would not work in your system.
Sibelius (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

There are easily two dozen tube amps that would work, Classic Audio speakers are quite efficient.
I heard John's speakers at last years capitolfest. He at first had the atmosphere amps running, which sounded very fast and detailed.
Once John put the allnic in the sound tonally fleshed out without losing the detail. It sounded more natural to my friends and I.
We really enjoyed our time in John's room. I thought it was one of the best sounding rooms at the show, IMHO
Your speakers offer great flexibility with amplifiers as others have said. I`ve heard this speker with OTL amps and it will work out fine.I`d however pay serious attention to the suggestion of the Allnic 300b. This amp(or another high quality 300b amplifier)when mated with a top level 300b tube(Takatsuki,Sophia Royal Princess, EML) will sound simply fabulous,full tone and provide stunning realism.
Best of Luck,