Pre: Audible Illusions vs Joule-Electra vs ARC?

Audible Illusions Modulus 2 or 3 vs
Joule-Electra LA-100, LA-150 vs
ARC SP-14?

Can anybody familiar with 2 or 3 of these speak to the sonic character of these preamps?

Older or newer versions. I pick these because at some point for each, I've heard somebody type about its clarity, open high end, transparency, and resolving power. I want super resolving and open high end (shimmering, sparkling, detailed?). Would be paired with the best amp I can afford, SS (McCormack, Bryston?) or tube (CJ, VTL?).

I wish it were possible. The only way that could happen is if I buy all of them, audition them, and then sell the 2 I don't want. A bit rich for my blood.
I owned a Mod3 for many years and still own an LA-100 (and an ARC LS-25, FWIW).

The AI is a great sounding piece: it's full/rich in a typically tubey way. It's relatively inexpensive and has a very nice phono stage. Unfortunately, AI is legendary for poor customer service, so buying an older used piece may be a recipe for trouble. Also, ergonomics (no remote, dual volume controls) may not be for everybody.

My impression is that the Joule sounds less overtly tubey, and more transparent to the source material. It is a bit leaner in the mid-bass than the AI. I got the sense that, like the AI, it might limit the system's ultimate "thump" and power around the 50-60 hz kick drum zone, but it's hard to say that with real confidence.

OTOH, the Joule never goes to the "analytical" side of things and keeps a bit of tube flavor. My ARC LS flirts with a more SS presentation, but it's generally considered the ARC most inclined to do that, so I'd warn against assuming that's true of the SP you're also considering.

The Joule strikes me as a good balance between classic SS and classic tube sound. If you really want more tube richness, the AI might bark up your tree.

Good Luck.

Marty, perfect. Thank you, just what I was hoping for. I note you kept the Joule.


I am the proud owner of both a Modulus 3 and 3A in my 2 systems. The Modulus preamp is very rich sounding, offers deep bass, smooth mids and pristine highs. They are best used with 6h23neb tubes as it seems to bring out the best in them. AI's customer service is much improved. I have spoken to Art Ferris (owner and designer) on many occasions and their turn around time is about a week. I recently sent my 20 year old Modulus 3 preamp in for a minor hum issue and AI not only fixed that, but replaced some caps to bring the unit up to current spercs. They did not charge me for replacing the caps! Their service rates are very inexpensive too.

My next pre will definitely be the brand new Modulus 3B sometime down the road.


One reason I kept the Joule was that I liked the sound a lot - especially into my primary speakers at that time, Verity Parsifal Encores. IMHO, the AI was a better match for my other main speakers, Merlin VSMs. Both of the above observations subject to choice of power amplifier.

The VSMs ended up in a second system which - as a practical matter - required a remote controlled preamp, so the AI was sold off.

Therefore, I would't read too much into my choice of which pre to keep.

I think it's really a matter of features, ergonomics, system matching, brand confidence (good to hear that AI seems to be getting better) and personal "sonic" preference in this one.
