Bass amp for a tri-amped system?

I have a speaker-required active crossover which feeds the mid/highs to 2, fet input/tube output 200 watt mono amps and the low frequencies to a Belles 350 stereo amp. I'm interested in tightening up the bass a bit and wondering if there is an older amp out there that might replace the Belles. I know the Krells have always had good grip on the bass, but wondering if there is anything else out there. Should I be thinking of any issues? Compatibility?
I would be nice to be able to try some of those amps if I could find a "bargain". You know, I'm only paying for those bottom octaves. I'll keep my eyes out on Audiogon.
For bass only and amps only, it just comes down to brute force. It's cheaper and easier to get that from switching amps. Look at Wyred4Sound and Spectron or pro amps, if XLR is available.
I agree with bdgregory regarding the Eagle/EKSC amps. They match well with full range speakers requiring great power reserves (B&W 801 for example) but are particularly good as bass amps. Either the 2 series stereo or 400 mono blocs are powerful, solid, clean, and dynamic. The bonus is their used prices make them great buys. John Iverson* knew how to design great amps and Russ Sherwood is, I believe, still available to service them.

*For those not familiar with the fascinating story about Iverson, see this link to the TAS article -
Update! Well, I've discovered a part of the solution. I replaced the supplied active crossover unit, which was fixed ( that is no adjustment options). In it's place is the Bryston 10B Sub crossover (all analoge). It allows me to adjust the crossover frequencies of the low and high and slopes. As a result I've been able to tweak the bass to accomodate both my room modes and the inherent properties of my speakers. I've been able to eliminate some of the low bass sloppiness. I think if I wanted to take this any further would require replacing the speakers rather than the bass amp. I think.