Unsound - I don't know for sure about the Thresholds - but it may not be that easy as the higher wattage requires a higher rail voltage which would require a different transformer not to mention that the components (Capacitors/Transistors) in the circuit may not be rated for the higher voltage required. Just adjusting the bias current does not "make' more watts.
Its all a matter of how much heat one is willing to accept or how much heat the sinks can dissipate. Rail voltage x bias current = heat (W) so if you turn down the bias current you can "turn" up the voltage (not that easy, requires changing the transformer) and your amp would have more watts, but less of them in class A because of the reduced bias current,
I have found that most output devices have a "sweet spot" as far as voltage/bias current where they sound the best - running them at a higher voltage to my ears makes the sound "harsher"
Its all a matter of how much heat one is willing to accept or how much heat the sinks can dissipate. Rail voltage x bias current = heat (W) so if you turn down the bias current you can "turn" up the voltage (not that easy, requires changing the transformer) and your amp would have more watts, but less of them in class A because of the reduced bias current,
I have found that most output devices have a "sweet spot" as far as voltage/bias current where they sound the best - running them at a higher voltage to my ears makes the sound "harsher"