I've seen a few SA12e amps for sale over the past 5 years. Never a S1600e. But if you found the SA/12e amps, I think you'd be hard pressed to give up their class A sound just to convert them to 1 hp under class A/AB bias. I would think it more likely for an owner to go the other way. Perhaps that's why there aren't that many S/1600e amps out there.
seek a threashold power amplifier
in the 80s,threshold sold a mono block power amps.one class a and one class a/b.i seek the class a/b to buy.maybe not available because none sold.do not remember tag or model name.it was listed as 1 horsepower at 8 ohms.look up watts horsepower conversion table.the class a and class a/b were indentical cabinets.huge.the current mcintosh labs power amps mc2kw are 2000 watts at 2 4 8 ohms.about 3 horsepower and cost a fortune.threshold less by a mile if burn time a year or two classical music.HELP?anyone out there knows anything about this power amplifier.i am trying to buy the pair.
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- 18 posts total
- 18 posts total