Where to go after Bel Canto Ref1000MKII

Just wondering what my hands-down better (i.e. not even close) amp options might be. Speakers are B&W 800D. I'm assuming these speakers can be taken to a whole different level--big assumption as I've not heard them better, but I've heard only my own pair. Preamp is a McIntosh C2300, DAC is Bryston BDA1, TT is SME10/SME IV.VI/Dynavector XV1S. Of course maybe it's the pre or the speakers that have to change, or all of it needs to change. The speed and overall realism that I'm after I seem to hear only when listening to 20k + worth of tube amp (e.g. KR Enterprises) and 40K+ worth of speaker (e.g. Nola, Nearfield Acoustics). Got dedicated 20amp ciruits, power filtration, Tara Air 2. It all matters, I know. I've heard improvement with every change. My hunch is that the next significant step to be had will be from the amps. Which amps should be on my short list?
If Nola and Nearfield speakers deliver the sound you like, consider those
maybe? The bc should be a good matcn there as well. B&W is a much
different design that may never sound like those.
Dhartwick -

Pardon, of course you need your preamp to your turntable setup :/

Still, I'd recommend you try out a combined DAC/preamp in bypassing your separate hardware preamp, and hear what comes of it. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
My 800ds are in love with their 1.2kw Mc monos. If I was to ever split them up I fear the ones left would run away from home to search for the other. All B.S. aside the amps tell the speakers when to jump and how high without appearing to be trying hard and act the same at low levels. Of course this is with dedicated 20amp lines and good PCs. With these or maybe big Krells I have no doubt you will find that immediacy and presence that you seek.
Doggiehowser - is that the Bel Canto 1000MII that you replaced or the Bel Canto amp before it?
Gshepardbuster, whichever Krells were about 18k a pair in '07 would most probably be a step forward, though I don't know how big a step. I listened to them extensively in what were then very familiar circumstances (i.e. I sold them and I sold McIntosh, among other stuff). The McIntosh amps I had to compare the Krell with were about 1/2 the price (500w monos I think) and were not as transparent or fast. The Bel Canto Evo 200.2 which I compared with the Mac and the Krell came out in the middle, closer to the Mac. Of course, the big Mac amps you speak about are another matter. I've not heard them. I love the company, love the resale value, and love to support a domestic manufacturer, so it would be great if Mac is what I wind up with. Sound quality is still, however, my ultimate criteria. I've just never heard a Mac amp that's as fast as music really sounds. I'm totally open to the possibility, however.