Jadis OR bias value for Mullard RL34 and KT88 help

I just swapped my Gold Lion (reissue) KT88 tubes for Mullard EL34's and was vwery surprised that the volume was so much lower. I checked the bias and found it to be less than 10mv while the KT88's had been biased at 110mv.
I rebiased the EL34's up to 90mv and the volume increased to what seemed to be "normal".
I am looking for the correct voltage to bias the new EL34 to in a Jadis Orchestra Reference.
Any help is appreciated.
I am driving a pair of Dali Helicon 800's at 89.5 db effiency which are no problem for the JOR. I even drive them with a 16wpc Carissa 845. I also have some Gemme Tantos that are a little over 90 but I prefer the Dalis
I am hoping to better the sound that I have with the GL kt88's. I love the holographic detail that I get with them. So far the EL34's seem very quiet in the bassiness and I'm thinking that should be improved with different 12ax7 tubes. I'd like to learn how good I can get the JOR to sound.

Which speakers do you have?
I played music all night and when I checked the sound this morning it was starting to fill the room and was emphasing more detail. I am much less skeptical about themnow.
Glad to hear the EL34 are improving. Here's hoping they get to where you hope.

The speakers I've paired up most with my JOR are Coincident, about 91 db/W. I've also had the Gemme Tantos - the first iteration, where the cabinetry was done in Canada, not China, and they are not especially easy to drive. Yes, you can certainly play and perhaps even like them. But I found they more come alive with emphatic solid state amplification.

Please keep us posted as to what you find over the course of the weekend.

For what it's worth, the current production triple mica Shuguang 12AX7B are the sleeper of this tube. The Doctor (Mechans) and I confirmed this several years ago to our surprise. We then hosted a tube shootout where they bested some very highly regarded old 12AX7 variants, and finished in the top three overall.
Very interesting .
I will check out those 12ax7's. I just bought these Tungsols but I am going to take your advice on them.
The Mullards have started filling the room and the lesser bass has become a nonissue. I am going to run it mostly Continuos over the rest of the weekend.
The reissue Tung Sols are a very good current production 12AX7. I find them clean, clear with a strong signal that is full range capable, they rarely call attention to themselves.
Unfortunately the NOS supply of 12AX7s has dwindled and what's left don't look so good or are very expensive indeed. You may have more luck with 5751s which won't give you all of the gain you might desire but have exciting tonal qualities. They have been discussed ad-infinitum, so I won't say more than that you might want to investigate that option. I don't recall hearing them in the Orchestra but Trelja and I have DA-60s (unless he parted with his,) where they are fabulous 12AX7 subs. I will make one suggection. The most bass emphatic 5751 that we encountered was probably the GE Triple Mica Grey plates. They are not as detailed or as good in general as the 5751 black plate tubes tend to be, but will provide as much bass as any will, if you should see a continuing need for it.