Glad to hear the EL34 are improving. Here's hoping they get to where you hope.
The speakers I've paired up most with my JOR are Coincident, about 91 db/W. I've also had the Gemme Tantos - the first iteration, where the cabinetry was done in Canada, not China, and they are not especially easy to drive. Yes, you can certainly play and perhaps even like them. But I found they more come alive with emphatic solid state amplification.
Please keep us posted as to what you find over the course of the weekend.
For what it's worth, the current production triple mica Shuguang 12AX7B are the sleeper of this tube. The Doctor (Mechans) and I confirmed this several years ago to our surprise. We then hosted a tube shootout where they bested some very highly regarded old 12AX7 variants, and finished in the top three overall.
The speakers I've paired up most with my JOR are Coincident, about 91 db/W. I've also had the Gemme Tantos - the first iteration, where the cabinetry was done in Canada, not China, and they are not especially easy to drive. Yes, you can certainly play and perhaps even like them. But I found they more come alive with emphatic solid state amplification.
Please keep us posted as to what you find over the course of the weekend.
For what it's worth, the current production triple mica Shuguang 12AX7B are the sleeper of this tube. The Doctor (Mechans) and I confirmed this several years ago to our surprise. We then hosted a tube shootout where they bested some very highly regarded old 12AX7 variants, and finished in the top three overall.