Boulder 1060 amp and upmarket p.cords and filters?

I recently bought Boulder 1060 and thinking replacing the stock cord plus feeding it from filter.
Any ideas and experiences?

pls post your findings...looking forward to reading about your thoughts on PAD. I quite like your choice, and own mainly PAD Dominus and Ann Contego. good luck.
You're welcome Mert, The Isotek Nova is a good conditioner. Pad are good cables, a bit on the dark side of neutral, but they are a bit warm sounding. I will likely go with all-Jorma cables in my system now (Origo/Prime). Prime in particular is superb & on the warm/rich side. They are also very natural sounding.
I managed to replace the stock cord by Oyaide Tunami. It seems any oyaide style cables will do the job.
However, I havent't decided what will be optimum choice.
Plus any PAD cables will fit if you are ready to thrash female plugs.
I think I will try my own PADs since all modified and know the job as well....
i was favorably impressed w/ the TG Audio cord on my 1060. better dynamics, midrange resolution, stage separation and reduced congestion. (did use boulder's right angle adapter).