Just read the Hifi news review as an example.
I did not just luck out.i spoke with the engineers in depth.
Make no mistake just because they machine a case in a state of the art
Plant and do assembly does not mean it is junk China is using German, Italian ,as well as U.S machining centers now that they are making money.
The majority of the psrts are from Europe and a Japan ,it is totally inspected on every level in the Main Orange Ct. Plant .i got one unit and the transformer was noisy.i called their tech line and Patrick sent me out a new unit,and even payed to have the other unit picked up.
It is very underrated actually 330 wpc into 8 ohms and 600 into 4.
I just sold a a Hegel 200 .this is much better across the board.
Secrets of home theatre has a review coming out on this amp.
The 300 is not even in the same league .this has bits taken from their
Upper line 1,700 va transformer is no joke. Sometimes I am listening to a
Quiet section of so song then earthquake .the dynamic swings are excellent. I have the means to buy very expensive if I choose to .I sold a $70k MBL system awhile back I vowed to buy great sound at a fraction of the price.after that. My speakers cables , just sold the a Luxman da/06 great reviews
The Wyred4 sound SE dac destroys it..the dac needs 400 hrs ..
Keep things in perspective .when I said $10 k it is the best integrated under $10k IMO.