Preamp possibles for system...

I am currently using a Belles 21A auricap but have been itching to try something else for possible system improvements. The amp is a T-hold S/500 ll with an Arcam CD23 and Polk SDA-2's with RDO-194 tweets. All IC's/PC's are Morrow Level 3/4. My 22'x35' listening environment is slightly harsh with wood floors and a fair amount of glass. Musical taste is quite varied at moderate volumes.

In general, I feel the base or low level frequencies are a bit forward but not crisply defined. Also the high frquencies seem somewhat constrained or maybe rolling off early...using others terminology I have read. Almost as if the singers are behind the band. Not always, but on enough recording's I notice it.

My previous amp was a Nak 7. Everything else staying the same, I recently switched to the T-hold S/500. I literally would have wrote an exact opposit review of the systems traits critiquing it with the Nak. I was certainly a VERY good way.

I have read that the T-hold amps liked certain pre's. Here is a list I have gleaned from some research. I have not seen all of these available, so some maybe out of the question. I would be gratefull for any input to try and target my continued refinement.

Sonic Frontiers line 3
Aestetic Calypso
Audio research LS25 mk1 or 2
Modwright 9.0se
Klyne 7

I'd suggest getting the Dunlavy's first, and then see if you like it with the Threshold before getting a new pre. The Threshold might have more power than the Dunlavy's need.
A true differential balanced unit will have to double the number of parts in some stages.

This is not correct. It is true of *balanced* if not differential, but if *balanced differential* the parts count is less than double.
The Dunlavy Contata's finally arrived and are now mated with the Bryston cdp, T-hold S500II and Belles 21A pre. Aside from the larger and more powerfull presence the Dunlavy's provide, much of my earlier tonal critiquing generally applies. I would like a crisper, tighter control of the lower frequencies and bass. In general, the mid and upper ranges are pleasing though seem to lack an overall clarity or depth to the finer details. Reading others use the phrase "a veil has been lifted", seems to best describe what I am hopefull of.

The point was offered up that I may be over-amped. I never thought of that possible and am unsure how to gauge that.

Perusing the archives and available used items, I have continued to update a list of possibles for experimenting. My budget would preferably be under $3K. Thanks for any input.

Pass Labs XP-10
CJ premier 14 or 16LS MKII
Ayre K1xe
JR capri
Hovland HP200