Explain Class D amps to "non audiophile friends"

Hey folks, I was really enjoying the thread explaining class A amps to class B and AB, wheni was wondering where Class D comes in. I would love to be a snob and say its for my friends, but I have to admit I am doing the learning here! (I am not implying that the other guy who posted was asking the question for his benefit)

Thanks for your help!
Bombaywalla - it is the other way around. Class D was invented tweaking SMPS. Engineers demoing SMPS showed that load regulation is so fast that SMPS can even play music.
Any linear power supply is in fact primitive switcher operating at 120Hz. Primitive because it requires huge transformers, big capacitors (to filter out 120Hz) has no line or load regulation, switches at max voltage, is susceptible to DC on line etc. That's why Rowland uses SMPS in preamps where efficiency is not important or power amps (model 625) that are class AB. Bad rap that SMPS has come mostly from primitive computer supplies.

Wolf_garcia, They sounded great from the beginning (at least to my ear). Second "version" was designed to make it easier for some critics to remove foot from the mouth.
I've read all the posts and I still don't understand how a class D amp works. What are the devices that do this "switching?" I get the difference between class A and class A/B, that thread was great, but for this one I think I need some kind of dumbed down explanation...more layman terms please?
Realremo, Imagine just one mechanical switch that switches between +10V and -10V. Output of this switch after averaging (filtering) will be zero volts if switch was the same amount of time (for instance 1s) at +10V and -10V positions (total cycle time of 2s). Manipulating ratio of times changes output voltage.

For instance:
1.5s at +10V and 0.5s at -10V will result in output of +5V because (1.5*10+0.5*-10)/2=+5
0.5s at +10V and 1.5s at -10V will result in output of -5V because (0.5*10+1.5*-10)/2=-5.

Real frequency of switching is very high (in order of 500kHz) where mechanical switches would not work - hence Mosfet transistors (fast switches). Mosfet transistors are even manufactured in two different technologies for use as switches or linear transistors.
Fascinating technology!

The main thing I wonder about is how much better even will it get over time for hifi audio purposes.

There would still seem to be some practical upside in maturation of this particular technology though I would say it has clearly evolved to the point of being highly competitive with others already in hifi audio. I expect it could widen a lead practically over time moving fore ward if it has not to some extent perhaps already. The bigger question will be how much will it matter? Similar to the discussions about value of high res digital audio sources I would think.
Mapman, I suspect that it will get much better because of semiconductor speed. Things based on timing scheme like Sigma Delta DACs are limited in resolution by timing accuracy while traditional DACs are limited by tolerance of components. Semiconductors are getting much faster every year including high current Mosfets.