Explain Class D amps to "non audiophile friends"

Hey folks, I was really enjoying the thread explaining class A amps to class B and AB, wheni was wondering where Class D comes in. I would love to be a snob and say its for my friends, but I have to admit I am doing the learning here! (I am not implying that the other guy who posted was asking the question for his benefit)

Thanks for your help!
"Ok my brain just exploded all over my iPad."

Realremo, we are seriously trying to explain but I can see that making jokes is more important to you and Jeffatus (who finds it amusing). I won't make this mistake again.
Over here http://www.hypex.nl/ and at their shop site https://www.hypexshop.com/, this Class D designer has been creating quite a stir.

I considered buying the modules but funds are a bit short now and I have "0" confidence in myself to build one but what reviews are out there have been overwhelmingly positive.

Their stock sells out as soon as it's posted so it's best to pre-order. They only sell the components to the DIY crowd and not OEMs. What the OEM crowd gets are made to order along with the usual outrageous mark up afterwards.

I heard a Genesis amp that used an earlier version of the Hypex unit and it floored me. The newer Ncore is said to raise the bar considerably. If you can build it yourself, it's conceivable to build two mono amps for just under $2K.
(the Genesis went for over $6K)

All the best,
Kijanki, in my haste to blow off some steam after a long day filled with last minute deadlines and draconian utility company notices, I neglected to remark about how your and Almarg's last posts really helped explain all of this for me. I won't make this mistake again.
Realremo, No harm done. I'm just overly sensitive today. Don't hesitate to ask if you want to go more into details. I'm not the best to explain but Al does it very well and he is forum Guru (in case you don't know it yet).
"Realremo, we are seriously trying to explain but I can see that making jokes is more important to you and Jeffatus (who finds it amusing). I won't make this mistake again."

Hold on a second, I find the posts extremely helpful, which is why I always make sure to thank everyone for their posts. You have to understand though, what may be easy for you guys to understand would take a layman a while to pick up. It seemed obvious to me that Realmro was poking fun at himself, which is exactly how I felt (about myself, that is). I mean, here I was trying hard to take all this in and the exploding brain post came up...I seriously couldnt stop laughing.

I wouldn't say I feel stupind asking these questions, but I certainly don't feel like the smartest guy on the web. Either way, you guys are way ahead of me and your help is greatly appreciated.