Over here
http://www.hypex.nl/ and at their shop site
https://www.hypexshop.com/, this Class D designer has been creating quite a stir.
I considered buying the modules but funds are a bit short now and I have "0" confidence in myself to build one but what reviews are out there have been overwhelmingly positive.
Their stock sells out as soon as it's posted so it's best to pre-order. They only sell the components to the DIY crowd and not OEMs. What the OEM crowd gets are made to order along with the usual outrageous mark up afterwards.
I heard a Genesis amp that used an earlier version of the Hypex unit and it floored me. The newer Ncore is said to raise the bar considerably. If you can build it yourself, it's conceivable to build two mono amps for just under $2K.
(the Genesis went for over $6K)
All the best,