Audio Research SP-11 MK2 ...

Is it still consider a top class preamp or it is already outdated ? Is its phono section still excellent when comparing to other top class phono stage ?

I agree with Hifigeek1. I have been using SP-11MK2 for a few years now. I bought it here from the original owner, who re-tubed it about 10 years ago. I thought it sounded great.

Then, about a year ago, I started hearing the signs of a frying resistor in one channel. I took it in to the shop where they fixed the issue, replaced a few other things that were drifting out of spec, and replaced all the old power caps.

I then retubed it with the new Genelics that just came out recently. Holy cow! What a difference! I should also note that the repairman was amazed at how quiet the phono stage was.

Will it compete with a new $20K preamp? Probably not. However, I've had notable HiFi shop owners talk me out of replacing it with something that was $8K. He also mentioned that it would be a waste of money to spend $2500 on a stand alone phono stage. (I found a great dealer ;-)

Anyway, just my 2 cents. I'm sticking with the Sp-11 now that it's been rebuilt a bit.
Bassphil..I know. I've recapped and re-tubed quite a few of those. Amazing isn't it??? lol
Can't remember what tube is used for the 11, but i started experimenting with the NOS tele in other gear, and it made a dramatic difference compared to other highly regarded tubes, holographic, without sounding too euphonic.
Thanks, Geek. My tube rolling experience was with the same tube type in a Steelhead, so having tried Mullard gold pins, Siemens NOS and Tele NOS, the Tele was by far the best sounding tube= holographic mids, but not lush sounding. Granted, the circuits are no doubt different, but to the extent one could extrapolate, the Tele made a dramatic difference in the sound of my phono stage.