comparison between SS Spectral and LAMM tube amp

I am very interested to switch from SS to tube amplifier.
Please, may you describe, if is possible, the main differences you felt between Lamm and Spectral amplifiers?
My loudspeaker are Kharm 3.2 , I read many reviews in the past on the combo lamm / Kharma, but I'm interested in your feelings.
I can understand your Wilson speaker example(dificult load, crossover etc.). If the Kharma speaker has a relatively flat 8 ohm load( and assuming a simple crossover design) then it would seem the Lamm SET amp could work reasonably well with them.
I'm not really sure about this, so take it with a grain of salt; I seem to remember a rumour that Kharma used Lamm amps in the development of their earlier designs, but their newer designs used their own ss amps.
Spectral are among the quickest ,cleanest and most transparent solid state amps ever made. The Lamm hybrids have a little touch of magic in the midrange while a touch warm but very natural in the bass and good high end. The Lamms are powerful and fatigue free.
With Karmas and their fast and delicate sounding ceramic drivers, I think the Lamms would make a great and synergistic combo. Spectral may be too much of a good thing with Karma.
Lloydelee21, Thank's i am already registered on the, which I found, as well as this on Audiogon, really Serious and competent. I find that Spectral gears are very well built. I find the combo with the Kharma very balanced, especially after I plugged the Elrod power cords. especially with the Gold. I tried to directly drive the Spectral amp, which is the 150 S2 model, through the variabile output of Berkeley Alpha, but I prefer the result obtained through the Spectral DMC 15. All cables Are MIT M1, except for the digital which is the Oracle MA. I know which Spectral and Lamm are the opposite edges into the spectrum of amp tipology. I scare to loose the great details and deep soundstage which Spectral' s are able to produce.
I cannot speak from experience with these components. But I will say, I think Gpg4blu is on to something...if you elect to go with high-power Spectrals...make very sure (depending on your tastes) that if you wish to have organic bloom, warmth, that you get a source that is very will come thru very clean, very pure if you get it right and could be sensational...but the Spectral + Kharma (from what i have read and heard) will be very, very precise about the signal that comes thru. Lamm could well give you a little more 'wiggle room' on the voicing front, though i always thought Kharmas could be a difficult load, and i do not know how the SET Lamms might fare on this point. Good luck! Certainly great equipment to be choosing from...enjoy!