comparison between SS Spectral and LAMM tube amp

I am very interested to switch from SS to tube amplifier.
Please, may you describe, if is possible, the main differences you felt between Lamm and Spectral amplifiers?
My loudspeaker are Kharm 3.2 , I read many reviews in the past on the combo lamm / Kharma, but I'm interested in your feelings.

Recently I acquired BAT Rex tube mono-block amps to drive my Eidolon Diamonds and along with the BAT Rex preamp the sound is simply extraordinary!!! You gotta' check out these amps.
I heard significant feedback about CAT Amplifiers/Avalon combo. Not about Lamm/Avalon combo.
I heard significant feedback about CAT Amplifiers/Avalon combo. Not about Lamm/Avalon combo

There can be several reasons for it, different design for example, different output power and so on. Lamm Tube amps shine best with Speakers which were made for this kind of Design (simple X-over, higher sensitivity) and I think you are in a good situation with your Spectral combo. It is simply a good match with that Speaker.
From what I have heard with Avalon + good SS amps (Boulder), I would not even think about a tube amp unless it were absolute top notch, along the line of a better VAC amp or something similar, ie not much different sounding than a really good SS amp. For most tube amps, I would probably look elsewhere.

The Avalon/Boulder combo is one of the more distinctive sounding (in a good way) SS pairings I have heard. Distinctive vibrancy through the midrange and load of detail, clean top to bottom, and well balanced if not slightly towards the lean side of things. A unique cup of tea but one that I think many would find appealing.
Thank's all.
It is not so easy here test combos like Wavestream Kinetics V8 mono blocks, for example.
I heard different SS amplifications like Boulder, FM, Spectral, Soulution, but never heard with Tube gears. It seams which in Europe they (we) prefer the SS amplifiers associated to Avalon Eidolons. Perharps is my limit (I have not so much time to visit shows) but I never heard Eidolon with tube amplifiers.