Nad M3? Need amp for Vandersteen 3 $3,000 budget

Just bought a pair of Vandersteen 3A signatures used. Local store recommends NAD M3. Anyone have experience with this amp or combo. Any magical combos you would recommend? Looking for a solid state amp. Listen to mostly rock music.

I used to have the Vandersteen 3A's. I used 4 monoblocks to drive them. Two per speaker, one for lows one for highs. The ones I used were the SM-70. It was most amazing sound to me.

You should be able to get 4 of them for $3K. They sell direct: Email them and they will offer you lower than list price.
Asmazda...You USED to have? If the sound was so amazing why don't you have them any more....I recommend Ayre as does the above poster.
I do agree with an Ayre intergrated being a solid match, but it might be short on power. You should consider a used Gryphon intergrated. Not sure what model could be had for $3k(Callisto 2100-2200)? Remember quality is cheap!