S.S. Replacement for Jolida 302B w/ Silverlines?

I'm looking for a S.S. replacement for my Jolida 302B
powering Silverline 17.5 monitors. Source is Jolida cd player. Wire is Audioart. Listening preferences: mostly
acoustic Jazz from 50's through present and various types of acoustic folk/Newgrass/Celtic etc. with occasional forays into Classic Rock and electric blues. Just getting lazy, I guess-- don't want to deal with biasing an amp and replacing tubes. Budget for amp + pre-amp or S.S. integrated = $ 1500 - 2000. American-made would be nice, too. Thanks!
Depending on your appetite for second-hand (quite old) equipment, i would go for Forte 4 amp...Class A, sweet, very powerful and well within your budget as an amp. Will drive Silverlines well which i recall are reasonably efficient. There is a Forte 6 amp,not quite as refined as the smaller Forte 4, but good.

audible illusions 3 preamp? tubed but much less maintenance than tubed amp...exceptional value for money and 2 here for sale at $1000.
Thanks, Lloydelee21 for the suggestion. My "appetite" is not that keen. I've had some gear headaches in the past and as I'm not an engineer or tinkerer-type, dependablilty is high on my list of priorities. I don't care how good something sounds "when it's working" if it's often "not working". The Forte may be built like a tank, for all I know, but at this point, at least, I'm not inclined to consider anything "quite old". The hybrid Vincent SV 236MKII has been recommended as has the 50 watt Jolida 1701RC Hybrid. Any comments on these or similar would be appreciated.
I've heard a Vincent 236 integrated and I like it...it's good...and the tubes last a very long time. Also, the thing is a lot larger in person than the pics indicate, so you can get your largeness gear thing going on.