Granit amp stands are they killing my sound?

I'm using Granit platforms as amp stands is this a good idea?
The major issue with granite slabs is low frequency vibration activated by either bass frequencies from speakers or seismic type vibration. Placing the granite slabs on suitable cones can minimize the tendency of granite to vibrate. I would not use a granite slab thinner than an inch and a half. I like bluestone slabs from Home Depot because they are thick and inexpensive.
I could imagine a lifeless sound coming from a granite slab ... but suggesting the granite is actually killing the sound could be cause-effect confusion.
Syntax, could you please describe the effect of placing a Vibraplane under your Lamm amps? I have one under my turntable, and I agree with you. It is so effective that I closed that chapter.

I have heavy SS amps sitting directly on my floor. I'd like to try two Vibraplanes under them, but it will be an expensive experiment. Any advice or comments you may have would be appreciated.
Hello Peter,
what I heard in the very first second was a different sound staging. More like a view into a Hall, very clean details and a pure tone.
Not a change in tonality you can read from users when they try different stands, hard to describe, my first reaction was "Huh???" (I was not really expecting that, I thought, ok, the usual little bit from this here and there...) but it is amazing when you listen to records with a deep soundstage (London from 1960 for example)...or Adele, Live at The Royal Albert Hall :-)
Thanks Syntax. Those results seem impressive. Are your amps the Lamms with tubes, SS or hybrid? Do you think the most improvement with the VP would be with tube amps or would SS also benefit so dramatically?

I'm thinking of getting two of the active units with a compressor in the basement.

Sorry to sidetrack this discussion about granite amp stands.