Please help a noob

First off, I'll try to Reader's Digest this as much as possible.

I'm looking to set up a simple 2 channel reference system. And by reference I mean something small-ish that will be used primarily in the near-field as a critical listening set-up in a relatively small room which I plan on doing some acoustic treatments in as well.

I work in the car audio industry (yeah, I know, never get as good in a car, etc. and I agree) What I am looking for is a system that I can both use as a reference tool for work related things (be able to have a good baseline for what things are supposed to sound like so I can use that knowledge for systems I build at work) and also recreational listening. Source will likely be 80% iPod (lossless or wav) and 20% CD.

I have been reading all over the place and am just overwhelmed with all the options. My current hangups are integrated vs. separate, and then options beyond that.

I don't have a tone of $ to work with. I'd like to keep the preamp/amp portion of this in the $700-$850 ish range.

Finally, I have the option to buy Parasound New Classic products new at a very good price. My main question I guess is Parasound New Classic 2100 pre + either New Classic 275 or 2125 or look at used in which I've been looking at Parasound HCA amps and P/LD 1100 pre. Also, the used option opens up things like NAD, Rotel, etc.

Like I said, looking for input on this front from people in the know because I feel somewhat lost. Sorry for the rambling, and thanks for any input!

I would definately go with an integrated amp. I like NAD products, particularly in your price range. Integrated amps are nice for a budget b/c they combine 2 or more components in 1, and eliminate the need for cables in between. I would look for used gear, about 2-3 years old with box and remote. The newer NADs come with an ipod input. Check out Cambridge too. Or maybe a Musical Fidelity integrated. But definately go used for more bang for the buck.
Adam, good to have you on-board, welcome!

You might want to investigate Emotiva's offerings - good stuff for reasonable money. They have a very good preamp available, the USP-1, and their power amps have gotten great reviews. Check out the USP-2 and, for more money, the XPA-2. They also have some killer multi-channel stuff, too. See

Best Wishes,
