Please help a noob

First off, I'll try to Reader's Digest this as much as possible.

I'm looking to set up a simple 2 channel reference system. And by reference I mean something small-ish that will be used primarily in the near-field as a critical listening set-up in a relatively small room which I plan on doing some acoustic treatments in as well.

I work in the car audio industry (yeah, I know, never get as good in a car, etc. and I agree) What I am looking for is a system that I can both use as a reference tool for work related things (be able to have a good baseline for what things are supposed to sound like so I can use that knowledge for systems I build at work) and also recreational listening. Source will likely be 80% iPod (lossless or wav) and 20% CD.

I have been reading all over the place and am just overwhelmed with all the options. My current hangups are integrated vs. separate, and then options beyond that.

I don't have a tone of $ to work with. I'd like to keep the preamp/amp portion of this in the $700-$850 ish range.

Finally, I have the option to buy Parasound New Classic products new at a very good price. My main question I guess is Parasound New Classic 2100 pre + either New Classic 275 or 2125 or look at used in which I've been looking at Parasound HCA amps and P/LD 1100 pre. Also, the used option opens up things like NAD, Rotel, etc.

Like I said, looking for input on this front from people in the know because I feel somewhat lost. Sorry for the rambling, and thanks for any input!

i agree with johnnyb53--there's good integrateds at this price point, but the parasound separates are on another level sonically and are very good values. for the price, you can't go wrong.
"but as long as it is proper gauge for the power I'm using... I will be fine with it”

I understand completely. When I began this audio journey, your viewpoint represented the prevailing school of thought in the community - mine too. Then I let some sucker loan me his high end wires and well, I couldn’t pretend that the difference didn’t least to me. With that in mind, I recommend you not let a friend bring his high end wires over for you to check out :-)
06-22-12: Diamondjoequimby
It's more like the 2100 Pre and 2125 amp for $850 ish. I can do it with the 275 for around $725 ish. :) That is the primary reason I 'm leaning that way.

Man, that's a no-brainer. You're getting a pre/amp set for not much more than retail for the preamp itself.

Once again, I can't emphasize too much the advantages that the Classic 2100 brings in the area of flexibility and inputs/outputs. The front panel stereo miniplug input will be invaluable to frequent iPod use. There are a total of 7 line level inputs. If you decide to try out vinyl, it has a good built-in preamp and will accommodate low or high output cartridges. If later you decide to augment your mini-monitors with a subwoofer, the 2100 makes it easy-peasy.

I'm a big fan of good cabling, but don't worry about that for now. There are excellent cables at very low prices that are way better than lamp cord and white box interconnects. Grow into it (or not) when you feel like it. This Parasound deal is a great opportunity to get highly flexible overachieving componentry at a fire sale price. You won't find better price/performance unless you were to stumble onto an estate sale where the executor is an audio ignoramus.

For the extra $100 I'd jump on the 2125. The 275 is a very cute form factor and 75 wpc is probably plenty for nearfield use, but the 2125's extra power buys you a lot of extra flexibility (such as farfield listening or less sensitive speakers) for future use for not much more money.