Gryphon Diablo & Dartzeel CTH-8550

I am looking for a high quality integrated amp in a small room of 18' x 10' x 8'.

On a usage basis, one negative point about the Diablo is that it runs very hot.

Anybody who has compared both amps side-by-side and could comment on it?

Thank you
Hi Mike60...interesting. any chance you could elaborate? Have heard good things about Gamut but never heard myself. OTOH, i am pretty familiar with Gryphon. thanks for any insights!
Gamut is more transparent and delicate with great detail. Gryphon is more muscular and powerful, but also a little rounded and perhaps richer. If you want huge bass I would guess Gryphon might do better. Its a question of taste.
I’ve auditioned both the GamuT DI-150 and the Gryphon Diablo.

Two quite different amplifiers in my opinion.

The GamuT is characterized by stunning transparency and incredible treble extension, reproducing music with great focus, precision and impressive transient response. On the negative side of ledger – for me at least – I found the GamuT to be somewhat clinical and lean which in turn lead to an opinion that it was somewhat bass shy.

The Diablo has a highly poised, confident and unhurried view on music. Its bass is deep, powerful and solidly propulsive handling dynamic and rhythmic demands with ease. On the negative side of the ledger the Diablo does not offer class leading transparency, runs incredibly hot and in comparison to the GamuT looks butt ugly – all in my humble opinion of course.

The sound of both amplifiers will be influenced by the source as both are relatively neutral with the GamuT being neutral/cool and the Diablo neutral/warm.
thanks to mike and kiwi! Good to read. Know the Gryphon sound...up thru Antileon, yes dark...and agree with all comments above. Colosseum starts to change things where, compared with Goldmund which can have excellent treble illumination, Colosseum is as clear an older Goldmund i tried in my system...but sweeter.

thanks again! good to read.