Gryphon Diablo & Dartzeel CTH-8550

I am looking for a high quality integrated amp in a small room of 18' x 10' x 8'.

On a usage basis, one negative point about the Diablo is that it runs very hot.

Anybody who has compared both amps side-by-side and could comment on it?

Thank you
Heard the ASR Emitter quite a few times, nice big smooth slight darkish sound. However not to my taste. Thanks Kiwi for your opinion on the MF and Pass. OK, won't waste my time on them.

Amps that I have not listened to are:
Boulder 865
Vitus RI-100 and the SIA-025
Gamut DI-150

and the shopping continues... ;-)
Kiwi, I would not agree with 'clinical and lean'. In fact I would say it has a slight warmth once run in, but agree it is leaner than the Gryphon. A question of taste. I would not match it with very lean sounding standmounts for eg. I compared extensively and found the Gamut had a clarity that I found irresistible. Would love to hear the Burmester. Have heard a couple of Vitus amps and liked their monoblocks more than the integrated I heard (relatively speaking), but that was probably a system issue. They are all great products! Try at home if you can.
Hamburger: I for one would be interested in your thoughts re. the boulder and the vitus ri-100.
Hi Russell, I have not tried the Boulder and Vitus yet. But I will be listening to a friend's Vitus SIA-025 soon.