What stereo amp sounds better than digital monos?

I want to replace a pair of Red Dragon digital mono blocks with an excellent SS stereo amp of approx 150 RMS.I have Acoustic Zen Adagios speakers

I am not interested in tube amps or tube rolling. Need input and/or recommnedations. I CANNOT afford $5000 ARC, Levinson, Krell or other super high end basic power amp. In the past, have considered Odyssey Stratos SE, McCormack DNA-1 upgraded to "REV B" or "REV A" level; also, the better Conrad Johnson SS power amps. Thank you.
I owned a pair of Adagios for a year or so. The amplifier that I liked best with them was the RedWine Audio Signature 30.2.

This amp. is a Tripath design, so not a class "D", and has much more warmth and flesh compared to class "D"'s.

I usually listen at 75dB average or so, and the RedWine could certainly play quite a bit louder than that without distortion, despite its lower power rating.
Thanks to all responded so far. To Mapman: Boulder amps are off the scope in price....see used items on AG under their name. The old lady would put me under a "boulder" if I spent 15 to 20K for an amp. The question must be ask: how is (or should)a $20,000 plus amp "supposed" to sound to validate the investment

The Redwine amps are low powered, don't come up often, and I play it louder tham 75db I have been told that the McCormack DNA-.05 is the best sounding of most of the DNA series, EVEN before the REV A, B, C,level modds. You rarely see a DNA-125 come up which might make a good platform for at least the B level modds. The DNA-1 amps even if it can be purchased for $600, is about $1600 total with Level B modds, and much much more to get the gold REV A.

I would suggest you try a Rowland Model 2.
I've had mine for 12 years. I can't seem to let it go.
It sounds that good. You should use a truly balanced preamp with it, like an Adcom GFP750 or a Pass X1.
Yes, me to in regards to expensive amps like boulder.

I would still recommend giving them a listen. I have not heard them on many systems but the struck me as unique sounding and possibly quite good, a useful reference. You might then be able to find something similar and more affordable if that sound floats your boat. I'm thinking something along the bryston or mccormick line maybe.
To Daniel, I have a Bel Canto PRe-3 pre-amp line stage which is excellent. I believe it has balanced outputs...amd also has RCA outputs for the amp. I am not sure what you mean by a "truly balanced pre-amp" I assume that the Rowland amp like Sim Audio amps sound best only with balanced inputs/outputs.

To Mapman, Excellent suggestion. However there are no Boulder dealer in Honolulu; There is a Soulution dealer, but I don't relish lifting 120lbs small frig of an amp or its $45,000 price tag. Nevertheless, a good suggestion. It look like a modded McCormack is my future. Hopefully, it sounds outstanding as so many claim and not like an Adcom, Dynaco or BK amps of some years ago. Thanks!!!