To Daniel, I have a Bel Canto PRe-3 pre-amp line stage which is excellent. I believe it has balanced outputs...amd also has RCA outputs for the amp. I am not sure what you mean by a "truly balanced pre-amp" I assume that the Rowland amp like Sim Audio amps sound best only with balanced inputs/outputs.
To Mapman, Excellent suggestion. However there are no Boulder dealer in Honolulu; There is a Soulution dealer, but I don't relish lifting 120lbs small frig of an amp or its $45,000 price tag. Nevertheless, a good suggestion. It look like a modded McCormack is my future. Hopefully, it sounds outstanding as so many claim and not like an Adcom, Dynaco or BK amps of some years ago. Thanks!!!
To Mapman, Excellent suggestion. However there are no Boulder dealer in Honolulu; There is a Soulution dealer, but I don't relish lifting 120lbs small frig of an amp or its $45,000 price tag. Nevertheless, a good suggestion. It look like a modded McCormack is my future. Hopefully, it sounds outstanding as so many claim and not like an Adcom, Dynaco or BK amps of some years ago. Thanks!!!