Will An Attenuator Help Reduce This Hiss?

i've got a little bit of tweeter 'HASSSHHHH' that i'm looking to reduce. as soon as i turn on the amp and preamp it becomes audible. placing the preamp into standby, mute, or on an unused input does nothing to change the level. changing the volume of the preamp does nothing to change the level. the only thing i've found that changes it is fully powering down the preamp - this eliminates it entirely.

i've been advised to insert a line level attenuator (endler, goldenjack, etc) between the amp and preamp at the amp inputs to bleed off some gain and reduce this noise.

will an attenuator reduce the 'HASSSHHHH' sound when reducing the level, or even muting the preamp, does not change things at all?

thanks for any inputs,
Do you think telling us the specific equipment you're talking about will better the quality and usefulness of the replies?
Scott, you will need less gain in the amplifier. Most preamps have gain after the volume control and if you have high efficiency speakers this is a common problem. An attenuator is one solution but I think you will find that it degrades the sound in other ways. There may well be other solutions...