Amp for Sonus Faber Cremoma M

I am looking to upgrade my amp for the mains to improve my 2 channel sound. I currently have an Emotiva XPA5 that I will continue to use for the center and rears when listening to concert DVD's or Sacd's

I am considering Emotiva XPA1 Mono Blocks @ 500 per channel / 1000 into 4 ohms for $2000.

Would I get better sound buying a higher end amp used,for example a Pass Labs x250.5, McIntosh MC205 or Krell Kav3250 which would also run my center for SACD's?

I appreciate the input as I have found that it is very difficult to demo amps side by side with the same speakers / electronics.
Emotiva is not high end, imo, it's mid-fi
What Dave72 is probably hinting at is, the amp's resolution is mediocre by hi-end standards.
If that is indeed the case, another amp is needed -- higher powered rather than lower. Any of the amps you mention should do.
The best sound I had from these was with a Soulution stereo -- but that is outrageously expensive.
OTOH, an unusual choice may be the currently trendy stereo Marantz. It's not very expensive and performs extremely well on normal, i.e. not shrill, speakers.
Exactly, Gregm. You nailed it.

Yeah, Soulution is great stuff, but as you said, very expensive.

Sure, the Marantz sounds like a good choice. Nice amp. :D
Once again, if you're doing this on a budget, I have to put in for the Marantz PM8004. This is the lowest priced Marantz amp that uses their HDAM component which puts 70 dB of extremely fast, noise-free gain into the signal path. The amp section has an s/n of 125 dB and sounds like it. You want neutral, fast, extended, controlled, and detail you never heard before for less than $1K?

Marantz PM8004. Give one a listen.
I own the Marantz 8004 bought here,for a VERY reasonable $650's sound is truly Hi End..IMO Plus an excellent phono stage for those who still spin....