My post above was badly written. I must have been half asleep. The current bottom of the line Channel Islands amp (from what I understand) is BASED on a UCD200(?). When researching the amp, I saw the name Hypex pop up so I checked it out, which led me to the NC400.
I may have been trading apples for oranges as the CI unit is based on a Ucd module as opposed to the NC400, but I found the NC400 interesting anyway.
As I said, maybe apples to oranges, but I was wondering if it is just more cost effective to get the CI amps rather than build my own based on the NC400 module. As I said, the modules and power supplies, due to the exchange rate and VAT, aren't inexpensive.
I'm figuring after everything is said and done, it's looking like an NC400 build, done nicely, is going to run about $1K each.