McCormack REV B upgrades. Better than a new amp?

I have read the testimonials about the stellar performance of upgraded versions of McCormack amp,especially the "REV B" level. A "used good condition" McCormack DNA-1 bought for 750.00, with REV B. upgrades added later is approx 1600.00 with round trip shipping costs. Would it make more sense to find a another amp that is newer, though USED between $1200-1500?? Also, do the McCormack upgrades hold up over time??
I have updated a number of DNA-1's and it's a much improved amp afterwards. The whole mother board gets replaced and it's a good idea to do it. The new board is simplified. The original had some circuit board issues over time. I'm also a big fan of keeping the amp that you originally owned and sending it back. You never know if someone abused the updated amp you purchased, or overheated it.
I've had stock McCormack DNA amps, and ones modded by SMc Audio. As great as the stock amps are -- and they are plenty great -- the modded versions are right out of this world. Be advised, "Rev B" and the better "Rev A" were the terms that Steve McCormack's company used to use. He has since changed the nomenclature, using "Gold" and "platinum" and the like, I believe.
Also, you'll not find a better company to deal with. No affiliation -- just a very happy customer.
-- Howard
FWIW, I think Rev A, B refer to the DNA 0.5, 1, 2 series while Silver Gold Platinum refer to the newer DNA 125/250 series of amps that were built after CJ bought McCormack. Either way, Steve McC and Chris @ SMc Audio are a great resource. If I were still in solid state, I'd still have my SMc A+ amp.