Pass vs McCormack?

Did not see these particular amps compared in threads...

These seem to be the two SS amps that consistently get the highest praise around here. How do they compare to each other? I'm thinking of the DNA .5 or 1, but don't really know much about the different Pass models....

I have heard McCormack at a dealer. Liked it, but it had a somewhat forward sound and a little bit of glare in the treble, although I notice this sort of thing more than most, as I am very sensitive to anything that sounds remotely bright. And, admittedly the sound quality may have been affected by speakers being used -- Gallo Ref 3.5s. (This was also a stock McCormack I heard, not a modded unit.)

I own a Pass150.5, which I like better than what I recall of the McCormack. The Pass has excellent detail and a bit of warmth at medium volumes when it is operating in Class A. Pass also has great bass. I used to own a VAC Phi 200, a very good tube amp, and like the Pass better, for whatever that's worth. If you listen to rock music, the Pass is really excellent.
IMHO, and to keep it brief, the biggest difference is that the McCormack amps tend to be forward of neutral, the Pass amps are incredibly neutral. Depending(!) on your speakers, budget and/or listening preferences either can be an excellent choice.
Oops, my first response was referring to the latest Pass amps, the earlier Aleph and some of the Pass First Watt amps are quite different, some being quite recessed IMHO.
Unsound and Mcondon, thank you much for your comments. Unsound, that is the kind of very valuable appraisal we can only get from each other and the kind of thing that helps us know what we want.

Mcondon, I suspect the X150.5 is a bit more than the Pass Aleph 30s or McCormack in my budget? But bet they sound nice...

Thank you.