Audible Illusions vs CJ preamps: sonic difference?

I know how CJ sounds; how does AI M3a sound different than say a PV-11 or PV-12?

I just got my Modulus 3B. While I waited for it much longer than expected, I can only praise its pure presentation. Extended frequency range from low to high. Wide, deep soundstage. Quiet. Awesome MM phono stage. My record collection is transformed.

It blows my former 3A away (but that was an older unit; I cannot comment on current 3A's). The most common knock on CJ gear is that it sounds "dark." Dark is not a word you would ever use in conjunction with the 3B or 3A.
Is the 3A a current production model? Since the 3 has been from A to E, I'd be surprised...?
The current production model is the 3B. There have been 3 versions of the 3. The original 3 (1992-1996), the 3A(1996-2008) and the 3B (2008-present).
Older versions can't be upgraded but AI gives a VERY generous trade in allowance towards a new 3B.