Stereo preamp upgrade

Hello! I was hoping to get some advice from the last true audiophiles. Some time ago I purchased my first separates system after my college roommate got me into home audio. The system consists of a Rotel RC-1070 preamp, Rotel RB-1080 amp, Paradigm Studio Monitor 100 v2's, with Tara Labs and AQ power cords and IC's. Something isn't "right" with my system. I'm pretty sure it's my preamp.

I've had a great opportunity to hear a LOT of equipment, since my aforementioned roommate was a repair tech at a local hi-fi shop. He would bring really nice gear home constantly and we would audition his repair work, not to mention the equipment at the store. He had the same speakers as I have now so I know how they can sound.

The Rotel preamp is decent but the bass is not 'warm & soothing,' but has more of a raw feel. It seems to be tight and controlled, likely due to the amp, but it just doesn't seem to have that 'earthy' feel if that makes sense. The soundstage could be improved. It seems wide enough, given my crappy apartment acoustics, but the depth just isn't there. There is no 3rd dimension. Tonality is great. It's not dark or overly bright.

So, I'm looking for a recommendation for a new preamp. I only want a stereo preamp. I would love to have one with a optical input, but I suppose I could get a DAC instead (that's a whole 'nother subject), as I've begun to use a computer to play .flac's. I'm looking to spend around $500 and don't mind if it's used. I've considered the Adcom GFP-750 as I know it's a solid unit, but I don't have much experience in preamps.

What would you do in my position? Music comes first.
I'm not sure you're going to get a huge upgrade from the Rotel preamp, with a $500 used pre-amp. It's possible I guess, if you look at old enough C-J or Audio Research units.

If you had $1000, a C-J PF-R (SS), or a VTL TL-2.5 (tube), if you can find one used, would probably be a huge upgrade. There are also other used C-J tube pre-amps to consider.
The Parasound Halo P3 sells regularly on this site for around $500, it should present a different sonic character than the Rotel. I have not heard your pre-amp, but I use the Halo with an RB-1080 to push MA BX5s, and I'm fairly happy.
Your studio 100s are much nicer than the BX5s of course, they are on my "possible upgrade" list. In the Stereophile review of the 100s, John Atkinson states: "The impedance, however, drops below 4 ohms between 55Hz and 210Hz, with a minimum value of 3 ohms at 90Hz"..."A good 4 ohm-rated amplifier should be used with the speaker."
The RB-1080 is *not* a good 4 ohm amplifier. Something more along the lines of a McCormack DNA 1 might push your studios better, but these amps run about $700-$800 used. I'd suggest a new amp, not a new pre...
The Parasound is a solid recommendation. You won't find better than a Muse model 3 at that price point, I've seen them around $600. Be aware this is not a model 3 signature. The old Sumo Athena is surprisingly nice, probably around $300. The Adcom you mentioned is a good piece also, might be a bit detailed and edgy with the Rotel, But all of these will give you noticeably better performance than your RC-1070. I hope this helps,