Pass amp vs McCormack with Silver/Gold upgrades...

OK, I'm trying again. My purchases in the past have benefited and been guided from help here, and I hope my first SS amp purchase might benefit similarly. I've read a lot and my interest has focused on two amps (thought the Blue Circles are intriguing).

For the cost of buying a DNA-1 or .5 and getting $1000 to $2000 of upgrades, I can buy a pair of used Pass Aleph amps (more or less) such as the ones on Ebay right now. I have not heard either, but am going on lots and lots of reading.

Is anybody able to contrast the sound I might get with these two options? Or make an educated guess? Uneducated guess? Toss a coin?

Any comments would be sincerely appreciated.

07-11-12: River251
...the problem with college is you choose a path when you are too young to realize how important money is going to be once you can't call up your parents in an emergency....:-)

Haha, ain't that the truth. I have 3 sons, 2 are out of college and working now, though neither is making as much $$$ as we all expected. The youngest is due to graduate next May. Hopefully the economy will pick up down the road. I worry about my kids's looking pretty bleak.

Swampwalker does have a point, but I understand that you are just curious as to how a solid state amp may sound in your system. I have a feeling that the B&K will be a disappointment, as it is far from the best SS and going back to SS after tubes is not easy to begin with.

As far as speaker cables go, ones that are relatively inexpensive but are lots better than the standard drab are Clearview Helix from Mapleshade. I've only actually used the Double Helix, which I felt beat cables that cost 2-3 times their price, but the Helix will save you even more $$$. You can save even more if you can find a used pair. They don't come up often, but I see them every once in a while.


John I'm amazed there may be a speaker cable for that price range. Would you call these on the bright side?

I fully expect the B&K will not replace my 8B. But I have been intrigued for some time. It's costing me $27 in shipping, and I am sure I can pretty much get my $200 back on Ebay, as it looks new. It's a data point. I'll learn.

Without any upgrades to the stock DNA-1, I would most definately go with the Aleph's as they will sound more refined and sweeter.

The economy is still dragging along and I believe since the price of gasoline has dropped, this may be the booster shot the economy needs. But them wallstreet bankers are still determine to destroy any headway made. JP Morgan/Chase just lost 4.4 billion on a bad deal but did fire the executives responsible. Boy that definately makes me feel better.
Phd, thanks very much. Don't let's get started on the economy...

John, thanks much, I've spent some time this morning reading threads on the Mapleshade wires and will get both speaker cables and interconnects to try when I can.

I wouldn't say that the Mapleshade are bright, but they do lean toward the transparent side of neutral. I have heard brighter cables though.
